Patron Data Upload
This facility (developed by Wheelers) involves ePlatform sending an enquiry to a secure area in the ePlatform where basic patron information (encrypted) has been uploaded.
How it works
Basic patron information (within a text file) is uploaded into a secure FTP site embedded in the ePlatform environment. The minimum information required from a patron includes a Student / Patron ID (or equivalent) and a password. More patron information can be included e.g. Year Level, which allows you to restrict borrowing by age. When a student logs in, the ePlatform sends an enquiry to check the username/password is valid, and if it is, lending is enabled. Many Schools export Student IDs/passwords from their school database for the Patron upload (encrypted).
Note: This has to be done in a very fixed format, all password resets and user management must be made through these files. It takes regular uploads to manage properly.
There’s no need for a remote inquiry to the library LMS (so the school doesn’t need an additional SIP2 license). It effectively allows a School or Library to upload and activate all of their members and manage at once (vs. the Self-Registration option).